Tell Dunkin – Dunkin survey - Get a Free Donut
As I mentioned mentioned earlier, a core pillar of Dunkin's strategy is continuously expanding the breadth and depth of their feedback sources. One area they've really been been innovating in is tapping into real-time time , in-the-moment moment customer sentiments. "The The post-transaction transaction survey will always be an important important part of our feedback mix," explains explains Samantha Williams, Dunkin's null VP of Customer Experience. "But we also recognize that that those surveys only capture capture a customer's perspective after the fact. We want to understand understand how they're feeling in the moment moment , as they're experiencing our brand." To that end, Dunkin Dunkin ' has rolled out a series series of in-store intercept surveys surveys and interactive kiosks that allow customers to provide feedback on the spot. These instant feedback mechanisms mechanisms are strategically placed throughout throughout the cus...